Weight Loss Diet Plans

Is Hoodia the Secret to Natural Weight Loss?

For years dieters have looked for that one magic pill that would cut their appetite and stimulate natural weight loss. While that one magic bullet remains elusive, it seems that the plant known as Hoodia Gordonii is one of the most exciting discoveries in the world of weight loss and appetite control.

Kalahari DesertLike many such "new discoveries," Hoodia has been known to native peoples for many thousands of years. Hoodia grows naturally high in the Kalahari Desert in South Africa, and the indigenous tribes of hunter gatherers have long chewed the plant to provide them with energy and decrease their appetite on long hunting trips into the bush. The San people of the region have a relationship with this special plant that goes back at least 27,000 years, but the modern world has only recently discovered the power of Hoodia as a supplement.

At least part of the power of Hoodia seems to come from a molecule which effects nerve cells in a way which is similar to glucose. This effect seems to trick the brain into providing a sensation of fullness, thereby decreasing appetite and increasing weight loss. It is important for Hoodia shoppers to know that only the Hoodia Gordonii variety contains this important natural appetite suppressant quality.

Hoodia supplements seem to have a fast acting affect on most people. Many of those who have taken the supplement report decreases in appetite within 20 to 30 minutes after taking a Hoodia supplement capsule. Even so, the greatest effect seems to accrue to those who continue to take the supplement on a daily basis for at least a two week period. After taking these supplements for two weeks, many takers experience positive effects such as:

  • Less of an interest in food
  • A delay in feelings of hunger between meals
  • Feeling full more quickly after eating less food

It is of course this appetite suppressant quality that is responsible for the weight loss many have experienced while taking these supplements. There is still no magic formula to weight loss. The key is to eat less, exercise more and enjoy a healthy diet. Hoodia Gordonii is however an important way to meet those worthy goals by controlling your appetite.